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Hi, how do i put on concealer properly? when i do it on my spots it might not go on evenly or might even make it worse! please help

Question asked by: knowitall

Putting on concealer requires that you take your time.

Start with a small amount and then blend in thoroughly. If the spot is still too visible, then apply more. Blend again. Repeat until the spot is no longer clear, then move onto next spot and continue.

It takes time to do it well but is worth it. Remember to take off at night or before exercise as it can lead to blocked pores and increase the risk of more spots or spots persisting.

By: Unknown
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A good way to cover spots that i know of is not with one concealer , but 2 ! The first would be a green concealer . I know , most people don`t have green skin ( except kermit the frog ! ) but on a color wheel , green is the opposite color of red . So , green will counter any red spots you have . Make sure when you are applying it you only apply a little though . Using a small concealer brush will definately help in applying with precision . Next , i would use i heavy coverage concealer . MAKE SURE its concealer and not foundation as some people mix the two up . Again with a small concealer brush (a different on this time) apply a little bit of concealer . Go slowly because its much easier to apply a little more than to have to take some off . If you are using your fingers , use a light tapping motion instead of a sweeping or wiping motion . It will help it go on more evenly and provide better coverage . After that , apply foundation to cover it all and your done !
By: MakeupGeek

Date of comment: Tue, Aug 17th 2010

What i tend to do is dab it genterlly on the red area .. then get a sponge n genterly patt over the top of the concealer .. then add some power foundation and baM there all gone ..teehe x
By: hana x

Date of comment: Wed, Oct 25th 2006

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evenly  worse  please  concealer  properly  spots  

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