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How are the Celts dispersed?

Question asked by: knowitall

If there are any true Celts today, they live in Ireland, the Highlands of Scotland or Wales.
By: Unknown
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Comments and other answers:

The answer by nvb272 is such nonsense I hope nobody was fooled by him. The list of Celtic nations? Normandy! Normans, from the north they were of Viking descent. Like the Sicilians but don't ask nvb272 about that. Brittany was already a Celtic nation named after a tribe there. What else? Oh Yes Isle of Mann was a Celtic nation. The Celts were already in Cornwall when the Saxons arrived in Kent. Also .... Oh I give up.
By: jongleur

Date of comment: Fri, Dec 24th 2010

The celtic nations are scotland, wales, ireland, cornwall, britanny and normandy. the celtic fled to cornwall to escape the saxons, some fled to northern france giving the name britanny- the french(franks) came from eastern europe.
By: nvb272

Date of comment: Fri, Jul 18th 2008

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