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How can i get rid of a huge red spot that hurts, that si on the side of my nose within 8 hours ?

hi, im 13, whenever i get a zit its always on the side of my nose, and enormous, and RED. before the zit forms a red spot comes. i normaly try fighting it down with tea tee oil but it doesn't work for me anymore :( i also tried sudocreme, but that doesn't work for me either. i am now depressed, and upset, my skin has alot of marks on it from spots. i dont have acne, just zits. right now i have a HUGE spot on my nose, it hurts, i try not to touch it and if it itches i just rub it gently with a clean tisue. i have tried colgate but it isnt going away. i want it to go within 8 hours, i have to miss a wedding because i look disgusting. please help me, i have been crying for 6 hours.
Question asked by: xxxpkxxx

Asked on: 02 Aug 2009

You can't rid of anything in such a short time period.

What you can do however is to help prevent these things happening again - read my answer to your how to article from the front page or relevant section.

Also you can help hide it by covering it in foundation and blending that in to the skin.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 02 Aug 2009
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Comments and other answers:

I did get one above my eyebrow a lot so a did give and got a neddle and just put a tiny hole in it then got every thing out it and mad sure it did hurt a bit but it was worth it cuse its hasn't been back for a year now and there was no sign of a spot their at all safter I did that so it did work but you can try it if you really are that desprite once evry thing is out it their is no sign it was ever their it onlay takes half hour
By: shizzy

Date of comment: Mon, Sep 19th 2011

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