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How do i get over my ex.. who cheated on me .. but yet you keep going back to him?

Question asked by: knowitall

The answer is simple yet complicated.

Replace that which you long for. If you smash your car, get a new one.

If your partner cheats, get a new partner that doesn't. They are out there.

It may not have the same look or feel, but there will be new things about the new partner that you will love and will never have experienced with the old.

But take time and make sure. Remember the maxim: "When in doubt, don't."

Partners who cheat are like people who smoke. A person who has smoked once is a smoker. He or she is the type of person who would smoke in the first place. Or like an alcoholic. It does not get out of the system. An alcoholic remains an alcoholic, even if he stops drinking for the rest of his life.

A cheat may not be cheating, but remains the type of person who has a proclivity or an ability to cheat. Find someone for whom cheating is not even an option.

They exist. I do.

Believe in yourself.

By: Unknown
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That is soo like me hun i split with my bf about 2years ago now because he just didn't seem interested in me anymore, i later found out he'd been cheating on me. anyway he's been going out with his gf now fr about 2years they got together straight after him and i split up i dnt know if she was the girl he cheated on me with tho. But my ex still txts me and talks 2 me on msn and says he still fancies me and trys to arrange times wen we can meet up however he is still with his gf which is just really bad we did share a kiss a few weeks ago in a club whilst his gf was in a different room i can see he's jst using me and it doesn't matter how much i still fancy him i've decided to cease all contact with him i've deleted his number and i've deleted him from my yahoo and msn messenger on the computer so hopefully now i can finially get over that jerk..x
By: stacey

Date of comment: Mon, Mar 13th 2006

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