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How much do we know about the brain?

Question asked by: mrquestion

Asked on: 07 Jan 2010

In recent years a lot more has been learnt about the brain than we used to know, however as each piece of research is conducted it tends to show that there is a lot more about the brain that we don't know and it can feel as though it is so complicated that it will take centuries to learn everything about the brain that there is to know, if that is possible at all.

Scientists now feel they have a good handle on what each part of the brain does, although even this is not entirely determined as it can be seen that sometimes when a patient has a problem with one area it can lead to surprising symptoms that suggest the part of the brain is also jointly responsible for some other function it was not previously thought to affect.

Also the mechanisms of how things work are still relatively poorly understood in a lot of cases.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 07 Jan 2010
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