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How should I prepare for a music exam?

Question asked by: knowitall

First of all the obvious: prepare and rehearse thoroughly all the set pieces that you will need to play in the exam.

If there is a sight reading element, then try to get hold of some similar standard pieces and have a go at playing them to get used to playing something new under pressure.

Be sure to practice all the scales that you could be asked to play in the music exam too, as these are sure to come up.

Finally remember to practice the aural exam too, for instance working out and signalling the beat of a piece of music too is also important and can help gain you valuable marks in the exam.

By: Unknown
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Brush up on your general knowledge if it is a component of the exam (which is the case for AMEB) and rehearse some answers out loud. Practise singing scales (major, harmonic minor, melodic minor) to fine-tune your aural skills. Try to sightread at least a passage a day on a regular basis instead of leaving it to the last minute as it is a skill that you're supposed to gradually develop. Perform as much as possible - in front of your family, friends, musical colleagues and also at concerts, eisteddfods, masterclasses, workshops - so that you get used to an audience and have a gauge of how well you can play under this pressure. Ask for constructive criticism from others listening to your playing. Record yourself playing then listen to it later. This will help you improve aspects of your performance that your music teacher might have overlooked and that you might not have noticed while you were focusing on playing.
By: jasminezhu

Date of comment: Mon, Jan 26th 2009

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