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How was the earth made?

Question asked by: knowitall

This is quite a wide question. However, the earth was thought to have formed thus:

Billions of years ago, clouds of dispersed hydrogen gas lay in this spiral arm of the milky way.

Due to certain phenomena, the gas started to come together, and this process accelerated, collapsing under gravity as all the gas shot together. This caused it to get hot and eventually burn, forming the proto-sun which was powered by fusion reactions.

This absorbed 99.% of the mass in the solar system. Other clumps of dust and rock started to come together, and many of them eventually clumped together to form the earth.

By: Unknown
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Comments and other answers:

I think the earth was made by God.i can't see how something just form from outer space without the help of someone.Now i've had people ask how was god made.My answer to that is God isn't like man he didn't have to be made he was just there,but we as humans can't take that in becouse we have a begining and an end.i hope that helped
By: pij852

Date of comment: Thu, Feb 12th 2009

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