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I have a spot for 9 months on my forehead. I tried lots of stuff but it does not go. WHY?

Question asked by: knowitall

This is strange one spot that lasts for nine months.

No spots normally last for this period of time, are you sure that it is definitely a spot?

Would be worth seeing the doctor and explaining that you have had the spot for nine months and see what they suggest, they can also check to ensure that it is a spot.

By: Unknown
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I think you mean you've just been getting spots for 9 months. This sounds like acne. You don't say how old you are, but I developed acne on my forehead in my 20s, it was due to hairspray! Unfortunately stopping the use of hairspray didn't make the spots go away. A work colleague at the time said she used something called stiemycin (I think that's how you spell it). I went to the doctor and got it, applied it morning and night, and within 6 weeks the spots were all gone, no scarring. I continued to use it for quite a while after that as a preventative measure, and then only used it sporadically if anything appeared. I eventually stopped using it all together. I will say though that after you've applied it there is a mild hot or even slightly burning sensation (it doesn't hurt and nothing to worry about) and it can dry your skin out, and it takes a while to dry too, but the good news is you can put your normal moisturiser and make up on over the top once its dry. You can also use it for acne on other areas of the body, like the back. It really is the best product on the market for acne (I tried a few!) and I'm surprised more doctors don't prescribe it.
By: vwebster

Date of comment: Thu, Oct 18th 2007

Maybe you should see your doctor.
By: Sue

Date of comment: Mon, Aug 14th 2006

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stuff  tried  spot  months  forehead  

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