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Is Logic fallible? Can our existence be so warped (by some deviant entity) that we, so convincingly, accept 2+2=5? Can it really be that we put 5 because these entities make us remember a false past where we learned 2+2=5?

Question asked by: stevieb

2 + 2 equals 4.

Of course, the symbols that we use are arbitary so if we wanted to substitute 4 and 5 and have 2 + 2 = 5 then we could do, but that is symbolic convention and not relating to some deep underlying truth.

You need to make a note that there is deductive and inductive reasoning, both loosely called 'logic' at times.

Deductive logic follows necessarily, and therefore we cannot understand what it would mean for this to be fallible as all human reasoning and understanding would fall apart without it.

For instance:
Socrates is a man
All men are mortal
Therefore Socrates is mortal

This is deductive logic as the conclusion must follow from the premises; if this is wrong then it makes all human understanding meaningless.

Inductive reasoning is not necessarily true but is based on what we have experienced in the past, e.g. the sun has always risen before therefore it will rise tomorrow morning too - very likely but not a deductive conclusion.

By: Unknown
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entities  remember  past  learned  false  convincingly  existence  

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