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Is logic the answer to everthing? If it is, then what about our existence? Logically we are not supposed to exist. You cant get something from nothing.

Question asked by: dannyboy

No logic is not the answer to everything, logic in itself answers nothing.

The point is that we use and apply logical methods to help us understand the world around us, make interpretations and predictions, and in this sense gain power over our environment through our increased understanding.

Logic for instance won't tell me how many hairs there are on my head if I know nothing about the width of my scalp, width of a hair and the average density of hairs per region of my head.

Rather I need knowledge and actual experience to find those things out, and so with most things in life. What logic can be used for is to help us reasonably work out for instance how much hair is on your head once you know those things.

And logic can't tell us what happens at the centre of a black hole, for instance.

With regard to us not existing logically I presume you mean by 'us' everything in the universe.

It does seem to contradict logic to think that something can come from nothing, however there are mathematical equations that consistently describe the universe that show this is possible.

For instance the universe can 'borrow' energy as long as it pays it back later, and also it could even be the universe is its own cause in some great loop that is conceptually hard to understand and is possible.

One way to gain more understanding of how this could be possible is that it seems the overall energy of the universe, could in fact, be zero - due to negative energy.

By: Unknown
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supposed  exist  cant  nothing  existence  everthing if  logic  

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