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It is easy to measure the lenght of a pole or the diameter of a ball bearing but how can one measure vast distances such as the depth of deep ocean or the diameter of the earth?

it is easy to measure the lenght of a pole or the diameter of a ball bearing but how can one measure vast distances such as the depth of deep ocean or the diameter of the earth?
Question asked by: pitra:)

Asked on: 12 Aug 2009

To measure something like the depth of the ocean then indirect methods can be used. It is not practical clearly to use a massive ruler and drop it down to the bottom.

However, a sound wave can be sent down and then the time that it takes to come back be measured. Then since we know the speed of sound through water we can work out how long it has travelled as a result of that delay. Similarly other indirect methods can be used for other circumstances where it is not possible to measure something directly.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 23 Aug 2009
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diameter  measure  distances  vast  deep  earth  ocean  

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