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Single copies of a book cost Rs.16 each, but purchasers of 20 or more books pay only Rs.13 per book. What is the value of n<20 for which one could buy 20 books at a lower total cost than one could buy exactly "n" books?

This is an NSTSE 2006 VIII std question. The answer for it 18. Please help me to solve this.
Question asked by: haappyone

Asked on: 22 Jan 2011

The number 18 is halfway between 16 and 20.

So maybe that is the reason why the answer is 18?

To be honest I don't know but hopefully someone here will be able to give you a proper answer.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 23 Jan 2011
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books  cost  buy  nlt20  value  lower  exactly  

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