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What are the rules of hitori?

Question asked by: knowitall

The rules of hitori are simple. This is another fun Japanese puzzle game along the lines of sudoku, but in a sense the opposite!

Hitori is Japanese for 'Alone' and this derives from the aim of the game.

Unlike sudoku you start with a filled grid and have to cross out cells, rather than start with a fairly empty grid and fill in cells!

The rules are simple: each number may only occur once per row or column, therefore with multiple numbers you have to work out which to cross out or fill in black.

The rules to help you do this are:

- all white cells must remain connected to each other, e.g. they cannot be isolated on all four sides by black cells and it must be possible to get from any white cell to any other on the board moving vertically or horizontally from cell to cell

- you cannot have more than one black cell next to another (e.g. they must never be adjacent to each other)

- you can use this rule to mark the four cells surrounding each black cell white

It is a fun puzzle and as you play you will start to discover more fun and subtle combinations and patterns that can help you to solve the game

By: Unknown
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