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What are the three co-ordinates on a graph to record 3D movement?

Question asked by: mrquestion

Asked on: 25 Jan 2010

In the standard Cartesian graph that we do in school there are x and y co-ordinates.

In three dimensions, then an extra co-ordinate is added which is traditionally referenced as z, which corresponds to the depth or how far in or out, as it were, of the paper.

In higher dimensions then even more such co-ordinates are required to be tracked of. In an n-dimensional graph, then, there will be a requirement for n-coordinates.

So in five dimensional space you might specify a location as (1,4,2,-5,3). The great thing about doing it mathematically is that you don't really have to have a clue (or should I say ability to form a mental picture) of what is going on or what such an object could actually look like in the same way as you can visualise the point (3,2) on a standard graph with x,y axes.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 25 Jan 2010
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graph  record  movement  coordinates  

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