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What is right?

Question asked by: knowitall

What is right is something that many countries and peoples disagree on today, and have done so over history.

This is quite a philosophical question in the field of ethics and there is massive literature on this.

We need to look at conflicting theories as some say there is no such thing as right or wrong per se and morality is nothing more than individual preferences or endorsements like "I support or agree with X" or "I don't like it".

Others have absolute theories and say that moral facts exist in the world and our duty is to try to discover them. What is right is right absolutely and always has been.

Relativists will say that right is dependent on time and geography, in other words that is right for me here and now and you then and there are different things, so we just say 'right relative to our culture' for instance.

Here we cannot moralise on those who practice cannibalism in a different culture in the past for instance as morality is relative to us and not absolute.

There are some excellent introductions to ethics in the libraries around the world and this might be a good starting point to investigate philosophical ethics.

By: Unknown
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