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Why do many scientists believe that continental drift is a valid theory?

Question asked by: knowitall

Many Scierntist believe the continental drift is a valid theory becuse if you look at all of the continents and islands they look as if they could match up like a puzzle with other continents. Also scientists have found rocks on the coast of Newfoundland that have an exact chemical match with those on the coast of Europe
By: Unknown
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Nowadays, it isn't so much a theory as a description of the way that the earth's tectonic plates move the great continental landmasses around the earth's surface. Don't be confused by the use of the word "theory": that's how it started and is sometimes referred to in those terms but it's accepted by scientists as proven, demonstrable and continuing fact.
By: meatloaf

Date of comment: Thu, Mar 20th 2008

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drift  valid  theory  continental  scientists  believe  

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