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Why do we cleanse, tone and moisturise? and why do we use face scrubs, masques and cosmetic make-up?

Question asked by: knowitall

The reason is because we value our superficial nature, and these products are conducive to making our skin and health be what society deems to be good at a point in time, t, and in culture or geographic location, x.

Over time and across the world and different cultures, different human aesthetic appearance is deemed to be 'good' or 'aspired to'.

Therefore it is partly due to this that we use these products, that is due to peer pressure or vanity or to promote self confidence.

Some of these products may also have virtuous health benefits that would be as true in a hundred years as today.

By: Unknown
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masques  make-up  cosmetic  scrubs  moisturise  cleanse  tone  

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