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Why is Gordon Brown unpopular with the British people?

Question asked by: knowitall

Gordon Brown is often portrayed by the media as being unpopular with the common people in contrast to Tony Blair who was much more popular.

Part of this is due to timing - people are generally fed up with New Labour spin and corruption and shameless inability to deliver on any of their promises.

However the modern politician needs charisma, charm, the ability to look good on camera, the power to turn people in their favour. These are the qualities personified by the likes of Bill Clinton in the US and to some extent Tony Blair, too, at least for the first five years of his leadership.

Unfortunately Gordon Brown seems rather dour and lacking in any of these qualities and therefore this in answer to your question is why he is seen as unpopular.

Whether he can turn it around will become evident fairly soon, but it seems unlikely.

By: Unknown
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