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Why is the African Hercules the African monster?

In Africa, our politicians always seems to have good dreams for their various countries, they even exhibit the best nationalistic ideologies, making themselves stars but when we see the light in them and vote them to lead us with their light, they suddenly turn into thunderbolts falling on us and crashing us. Why is the African Hercules the African monster?
Question asked by: Arituo

Asked on: 01 Feb 2011

That is quite a deep question, and it is probably very hard to answer.

There is probably no right and wrong answer to it, but there are possible reasons why it might happen.

Since the people are probably quite similar as in other countries where that does not happen then it seems plausible that the answer is to do with the institutions and there not being robust and good systems in place that are independent of elections to keep the politicians in check - for instance the civil service in Britain, and that these countries do not have a history of mature democracy.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 05 Feb 2011
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african  monster  hercules  

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