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Why was multiverse theory postulated?

Question asked by: knowitall

The theory was first postulated in order to try to explain the values of some fundamental laws of nature being set so accurately. With most of these values, changing them by just 1% causes a catastrophic change to the fabric of our universe and it would never exist.

Particularly the cosmological constant is fine-tuned to the order of 120 decimal places! This seems incredibly unlikely to be a 'fluke' and hence needs explanation. One way is to say the universe has intelligent design, not a move that most of the scientific community would care to make.

Therefore multi-verse theory comes in. It says our universe is just one of a myriad of - potentially infinite - universes, the multiverse. All possibilities and values are played out, and we happen to be in one of those that is conducive to life, hence we are here and conscious.

However, some have wondered if the multiverse theory really does have any explanatory value. If the theory is supposed to explain the very fine-tuning of fundamental values in our universe, some argue multiverse theory just pushes the question back a stage - namely to the laws of nature (or some set of laws) that govern the generation of new universes. What the equations are and what the values are may not be known, but we cannot use ignorance of a piece of information to support an argument. If it is discovered those values themselves are extremely fine-tuned, then the problem is not solved.

By: Unknown
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