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Will the expenses scandal increase turnout at the 2010 general election?

Question asked by: artiste

Asked on: 13 Jan 2010

This is a fascinating question.

You could argue both ways couldn't you - that it has made people even more disillusioned with politics and the feeling that they are all as bad as each other, and therefore there is little point voting as they are all corrupt.

However equally it could make you think that you really need to send a message to parliament to clear up its act and given the Labour party has been in power for so many years the party in power is naturally seen as taking the bigger hit when things go wrong, so it could be that it will cause an even bigger swing to the Conservatives than would naturally happen anyway after such a long period of one party being in power, and the massive unpopularity with the electorate of Gordon Brown which the polls consistently appear to be suggesting is the case.

By: knowitall
Replied at: 13 Jan 2010
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general  election  increase  expenses  scandal  turnout  

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