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Money: Ask the Expert

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I've heard many financial journalists talking about investing in gold and metals such as copper. How can I look to do invest in metals?
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I often hear the word 'gearing' being mentioned in relation to financial products. What exactly is gearing?
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What are bonds, and for what type of investor are they most suitable? I am looking for something less risky than the stock market but want more interest than I can get in a standard high street savings account if possible.
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I have a cash mini ISA but the interest rate is lower than others on the market at the moment. Can I transfer the money into another one with higher interest?
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The stock market seems to have picked up again and I'd like to start investing. Is there any relatively safe way to invest?
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I have a sizeable sum of money sitting in an account with a high street bank which I would like to earn more interest on. Where can I get a good rate of interest on my money whilst having easy access to the money should I need it?
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I'm 21 and just got my first job. Is there an 'ideal' percentage of my salary I should look to put into the pension scheme? I have heard the figure of 3-5% mentioned
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I've a reasonable credit card debt and am paying a high interest rate. Is there any downside to me moving the debt from one interest free credit card to another to take advantage of the introductory offers?
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How much money can I put into an ISA each year and is it worthwhile doing so as a lower rate tax payer?
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