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Debt Collection Letters And Calls Explained
A debt collection letter must be issued within five days of a call from the debt collection agency informing you that you owe a debt. You must be given the...

How To Chase Up A Debt
If you need to chase up on a debt, then the best method is simple: make it more hassle for them NOT to pay then it is for them to pay you. Therefore start...

How To Get Hold Of Legal Forms For Business Payments
If you are chasing up on business payments, then it adds gravitas to your requests for payment if you use the correct stationery and forms. This will show...

How To Recover More Than £750
If you are owed more than £750 and the company you are dealing with is refusing to pay that sum or you are having difficulty getting your money, then you can...

The Best Way To Get Money Owed You
The best way to get money owed to your company is through being knowledgeable. Therefore if you know the names of the relevant laws and sub-sections that...

The Golden Rule When Chasing Money
When you are chasing money, as frustrating and annoying as it can be, the golden rule is never to lose your cool. That won't achieve anything, as easy as it...

What Does A Debt Collection Agency Do?
When getting desperate to chase up on payments, some small companies do think about debt collection. And many of the largest businesses in this country...

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