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My parents are much stricter than everyone elses and it's unfair - how can I tell them to relax?

It can be both annoying and frustrating when we see that our friends have parents who are much less strict with what they do.

However, be aware that sometimes what seems to be the case is not always true, and parents might be stricter than your friends say.

Also remember that it is up to your parents how they bring you up and if they are strict it probably reflects how their parents brought them up, and that they want to ensure that you have common boundaries and rules within which to grow up.

There are advantages of having parents who are strict as they can stop you getting into bad habits and getting lazy if you are allowed to always get away with things.

If they are really strict, then talk to your parents and ask what you can do for them to be less strict. For instance if you can prove to them that you can do all your homework and get good grades at school without being nagged and at the same time see your friends, then they should be more willing to let you take more control of your own life and so on.

By acting like an adult and asking to be treated like one you should be able to speed up the process of having more control on what you do and your parents may become a little less strict as a result, but don't expect them to change overnight and respect their opinions and values.

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