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Don't let the spots be a problem...

Sometimes you have a pimple and it's not too much of a problem because you don't have to go out and do something in public.

Other times however you will find that you really have to go out perhaps for a party or even a date(!) and shock horror you have a nasty pimple staring out at you.

With a couple of days to do, what can you do?

Well first the scary part - different peoples skins react differently to certain options and at different times, so the honest may be there is nothing that you can do other than use make-up to cover it up, but you can certainly give it a good shot at getting rid of the pimple quickly.

What you need to do is make sure that you keep the area as dry as possible, so use a strong spot cream that contains an active ingredient that will dry out the spot... ask your pharmacist for the strongest spot cream that they have and apply before bed to do this.

This should help to shrink down and get rid of the pimple or acne.

Once gone there may be a little red mark or blemish where the pimple was depending on its size - if so you can simply use a little make up to cover it up.

If the pimple or acne has a yellowhead and you need to get rid of it at speed, then whilst most people always say to leave them alone, if you don't have much time then you will have to pop them as it won't disappear naturally at such short notice. The key is to do it hygienically and to use something like TCP afterwards to ensure that you don't get it infected... you should never just pop a spot without using an antiseptic afterwards as the spot area might get infected.

So, that's how to get rid of a pimple or acne at speed, good luck!
Acne And Pimples: Lose At Speed
Author: Stephanie

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Last Updated: Jan 30th 2008

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