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Applying a bandage to a hand...

The most important thing to state is that the below is a guideline on bandaging a hand, and the information given here cannot be assumed to be relevant for every case. Always get medical advice before practicing this in a real life case.

Stand in front of the person, and ensure that first of all you carefully and delicately are in support of the hand that has sustained the injury; with the bottom of the bandage inside the wrist.

With that base and anchor in position, you then need to work inside to out, with a wrapping motion. Wrap the wrist two times over as this will ensure that the bandage is sturdy and held in place.

You should ensure that from the side of the wrist where the thumb is (obviously opposite on left to right!) you then take the bandage across the hand so as to touch the nail of the little finger. Then take it under the fingers (and hence across), with the tips of the fingers not being covered but remaining visible at all times.

You will then need to bring it back across the back of the hand, and repeat. Once almost complete, you need to secure the end with tape, having finished with a couple of staright turns that are around the wrist.

It is important to ensure that the bandage is not too loose - which will be obvious, in which case it needs to be tightened. However do not do it too tight; a good rule of thumb is that if the colour does not return to a pressed nail within a few seconds it it too tight.

Also remember that medical advice should also be sought.
Applying A Bandage
Author: Stephanie

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Popular Tags:
bandage,bandage application technique

Last Updated: Sep 6th 2007

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