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Why we're obsessed with celebrities...

In response to a message from someone who said my articles were too superficial, being about celebrities, fashion, glitz and glamour in general, here is an article that should redress the balance!

It's true that most of us are to some degree interested in celebrities, their lives and what they do.

But it's not really our fault - the magazines are full of gossip all the time and telling us what the rich and famous are up to. And it makes their lives sound really interesting, so it becomes like following a real life soap and wanting to see what happens next in the story.

This is all fine and good and we all do it, but it is true that we should remember who we are and those around us and focus on our own lives more. When a celebrity has a baby or splits from their partner it is usually big news, and when a celeb tries a new fashion also there are soon loads of copycats out there.

But the fact is we know very little at all about these celebs and they certainly have no idea and don't care who we are, so rather than copy their fashions with their big budgets and custom clothes from designer friends, why not just wear what you want and don't worry about others.

Rather than following the trends and fashions of vacuous celebrities, just feel comfortable with what you like to wear and high street fashions with no concern to celebs. Their lives aren't relevant to us anymore than our lives are relevant to them except for one thing - the media implying and telling us that there IS some connection. But it's not really there, it's entirely in their minds.

For instance, we don't tend to ever think about what scientists are doing, their relationships, their fashions. Yet with celebrities we probably talk about it all the time. The difference is simply the media decides to talk about one set of people and not the other; it really is as arbitrary as that.

So unless you want your life to be dictated by the media think for yourself, be your own person, and don't worry too much about the latest trends and fashions.
Celebrity Fashion Information
Author: Stephanie

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Last Updated: Feb 1st 2008

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