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Win quickly at chess, chess tips and hints...

Chess is a fun game, and that's principally because it is a battle of mind power and knowledge of the game. The best fun in chess is winning and winning quickly is always good for those with little or no patience (though in the long term patience is mandatory to doing well in chess when you play good players!)

When it comes to tips in chess, then there are some useful things that you should bear in mind.

Generally it is a good idea to look to castle early. Otherwise it can be harder to protect the king as he is more exposed in the central files and easier to protect towards the corners of the board, as long as he doesn't get trapped in position for a simple check mate or similar.

Remember that the queen is the most important attacking piece and therefore until you get really good you should not attempt any strange or bizarre sacrificial moves that you might see the pros do - leave it to them until you know exactly what you are doing.

Learn a few different start moves for the first five or six moves and then play each one out a few times. Find the one that you seem to statistically win the most from and stick to that most of the time. For some reason some starts suit the mind of a particular person more than others, so practice them all and experiment to find that which works best for you.

When playing a real amateur you can be a bit looser with your first few moves and then still reign things in if they do not work straight off. Therefore if you want to see if you can win in four moves without them noticing, then by all means go for it - against an amateur you are not going to be punished for making those few moves unless you are also a real novice and don't play well enough to cover up.

Remember to look to use useful hints and tips as you go through; for instance looking for opportunities to fork and skewer and always good.

A move that the amateur rarely spots is for instance a situation where you have the opponents king, your rook and knight in the same rank or file. They tend to forget that if you move the knight then the king will be in check and therefore they need to resolve that.

This often gives you a chance with your spare move with the knight to them take one of their major pieces without risk of having any significant losses yourself. Therefore always start to look for opportunities like this, and also try to look for opportunities two or three moves down the line.

Indeed as you get better, looking more moves ahead and looking at more possibilities ahead of you are the mark of a good player as you develop a better understanding and develop your own game, as well as better being able to anticipate and see what your opponent is doing on the chess board.

Good luck - and share your own chess hints and tips too!
Win At Chess
Author: Stephen

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Last Updated: Oct 2nd 2006

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