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Think chic and classic fashion colour combinations

We have all seen some fashion disasters in our times, outfits that just don't seem to work well together.

In order to avoid it yourself, all you really need is a good idea of what colours work well together and which don't. If you do that then you will always be able to avoid one of the main fashion sins of wearing together colour that don't go, such as blue and green.

The best way to avoid a clash is to avoid wearing two primary colours together as that just doesn't work, so never combine yellow with red for instance or red with blue - just picture that in your minds eye and you will realise that it's never going to work, unfortunately some people go as far as trying out the combination only to find out the exact same thing!

The easiest way of all if ever in doubt is to go for an outfit that is all the same colour themed, and in that way you avoid the problem completely. For instance you could go for the classic all black outfit and in that manner you won't need to worry about it at all.

However you can't just wear the same colour all the time, so here are some tips on colours that work well in combination with each other.

- Never blue and green together
- Never red and green
- Try brown and green
- Try black and blue
- Try black and grey/silver
- Brown and black
- Black and white
- Blue and white
- Blue and grey

And there you have it, some great and simple colour combinations to try out, and once you get the basics right it is time to start experimenting. A colour and other shades of that colour will nearly almost work well, and do feel free to experiment too, just get a friends opinion before going out that the colour combination you go for works!
Classic Colour Combinations
Author: Stephanie

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Page Views: 1637 | Page Ranking: 163
Popular Tags:
fashion,colour combinations

Last Updated: Jan 31st 2008

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