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The tips straight from the mouths in Hollywood...

Have you ever dreamed about looking as gorgeous and glamorous as the celebrities in Hollywood?

Of course you have. However the news is that it costs money to look that good, and luckily the celebs have a lot of it. And even if they didn't it wouldn't matter. You see once you've made it, most of your spending actually goes down as people flock to give you really expensive stuff just so that you can be seen out and about wearing their stuff!

Here's a collection of a through beauty tips from Hollywood celebs I've read recently in the usual selection of magazines:

- Make yourself look awake when you feel really asleep through using white make up placed around the eyes; this is good as it makes you look more alert than you are for some reason.

- Use coconut milk in the bath for shinier skin, apparently it gives it a nice gloss and feel

- Don't go on tanning beds as they will age your skin prematurely and it will also not look very flattering in photographs

- You can never use enough shimmer!

- Take care of your hair; don't wash it more than once a day as it can go dry, it needs to look shiny and healthy to take good photos particularly in flash photography, apparently.

And there you go, that's some Hollywood beauty tips for you :)
Hollywood Beauty Secrets
Author: Stephanie

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Page Views: 1522 | Page Ranking: 156
Popular Tags:
hollywood,glamour,glitz,make up,beauty tips

Last Updated: Feb 5th 2008

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Questions Stephanie has Answered:

Hey do u like no how to make your face shiny using only naturla ingrediannts

There are lots of ways to make your face shiny, one way is through sweating or putting any sort of liquid product on the face which will reflect the light and make your face shine!

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