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How clever is your child...

How clever are your children? Most people believe that a large part of being clever is genetic and related to how clever your parents are.

I've just read an interesting article though that suggests there is a lot that parents can do early in their childrens lives in order to make them cleverer - so here's a summary of what it says!

The first thing is to talk to the child during pregnancy by putting your hand on your stomach and having a chat.

The developing child will somehow get used to and associate your voice and this will help with the bonding process after birth.

The real magic starts after they are born though, and the more attention and the more you play with the child, you can really help to boost their education and accelerate their learning. A child who is just left alone to do their own thing apart from being fed and not given much attention is less likely to turn out well and do well at school apparently.

Play little games and tests with your children as early as you can and simple things like touching all items that are yellow, or red or blue, and then read stories to them and rather than hold the book away, start reading with the book next to them so that they can see the pictures and words.

Even though they don't read or understand it right now actually seeing the inside of the book and the words can help to start instil a little bit of understanding there with regard to what is what and how to read in general.

And those are the tips, so the bottom line is to pay lots of attention to your children and stimulate and engage and excite your mind, and you might just be on the way to creating a little Einstein!
Making A Child Genius
Author: Stephanie

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Last Updated: Feb 8th 2008

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