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Use your mind, it's time to concentrate...

Mind Games - everyone likes a little mental teaser from time to time, but if you really want to improve your mind then what should you look for in a puzzle?

Well, the first is variety - there are many different types of mind games out there that will test different parts of your brain.

For instance a mind game might test your logical thinking ability, your spatial perception and awareness, your mental and mathematical abilities, and a whole host of other things besides.

Here are a few mind games for you:

How quickly can you find the anagram of the word GENERATES? We're looking for a nine letter anagram here and it's a very common word.

How quickly can you work out the solution to this sum?

2 x 3 x 4 x 5 - 12 + 7 + 529 - 429

There are a couple of shortcuts you can perform above to make that calculation much simpler - see if you can use your mind to work out how to make the game earlier!

Here's a bit of a trickier mind game mental teaser to get you thinking and those neurons firing and those synapses doing... whatever it is that synapses do:

I am on a game show and I'm told that there is a brilliant prize behind one of the three doors in front of me. Being a game show of some class, there are smelly socks behind the other two doors. I pick door '2' as the one the great prize is behind. The glamorous assistant opens door '3' and shows one pair of smelly socks.

Now here's the key question of the game - I am offered the chance to swap my guess and choose door '1' rather than sticking with door '2'.

The question is, then, should I stick or switch? There is a definite correct answer to this tricky mind game - can you work out what the answer is? Send me a message with what you think the solution is and I'll let you know if you've found the right solution or not!
Mind Games
Author: Dan

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Page Views: 1508 | Page Ranking: 165
Popular Tags:
mind,games,mental workout

Last Updated: Feb 5th 2008

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