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Fitness at the workplace need not be impossible...

Exercise - it costs a fortune, we can only do it at the gym, and therefore have to do it after work when we are pretty knackered anyway - true? Well, actually false! There are lots of simple exercises and stretches you can do in the office whilst at work that can help to keep you going, relieve muscle tension and lead to you having a much more productive day.

Here are a few tips for exercises that you can perform in order to get in shape and keep fit supple and exercise whilst in the office!

First remember that breathing exercises are easy to do and can help to calm you down. They help get oxygen into the system and calm you down. Therefore for instance you can simply close your eyes and breathe in deep in order to get some oxygen in to your system. Rolling your shoulders can help with relaxation too at this point. Repeat a few times and instantly this simple breathing exercise should relieve the stress and make you feel more positive about the remaining stresses and strains that you have to deal with today!

Resting your eyes is also an important thing to do at work. Therefore be sure to move your eyes away from the screen for thirty seconds at least every ten minutes otherwise you can strain and hurt them.

If you are a touch typer you can show off by looking away and typing for extended periods - one letter does not count!

A good exercise is to roll your eyes around slowly, or look up down left right like you might at the opticians when they shine the light into your eyes! Another eye exercise for the office is colour discrimination:

Each day pick a different colour and look around the office and out the window, if you have a view, to see how many items of that colour you can pick out. This is good mental exercise for you too and you can even keep a log of how many items of each colour there are if you are so inclined!

When it comes to necks, then if you suffer neck pain at work you know how uncomfortable the strain can be particularly at the back of your neck.

Gently move your hend forwards slightly, then roll the head to left, and the repeat back to the middle and to the right, this should help.

Shoulders are another problem area where tension can build up so be sure to gently rotate them periodically.

Finally the wrists can be another problem area - try pressing palms together gently to relieve pressure on the wrists, this can help.

When it comes to back and back pain this is the other prevalent area - however it is best to consult your doctor to find the best exercises and positions for you as it could be that you need a special chair to prevent or at least relieve the problems that you are having in this area.
Desk Exercises
Author: Stephanie

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Page Views: 1597 | Page Ranking: 79
Popular Tags:
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Last Updated: Nov 2nd 2006

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