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A hair raising moment? If only!

At some stage most of us get ingrown hairs. Not only can they look strange, they can also be quite painful as anyone who has had ingrown hairs will testify too! Given how common this problem is, here I look at a few ways to treat them.

First, what exactly is an ingrown hair? Well, it is the process whereby the hair grows back into the skin, and therefore can cause irritation and swelling.

If you like medical terms then you will be fascinated to know that it is actually konwn as Pseudofolliculitis Barbae. If you can remember that in a few weeks time, then you are doing very well!

Treating Ingrown Hairs

There are luckily many excellent products that can work well to improve the situation. You need to look for products that contain a nasty sounding thing called salicylic acid, which you might have made in the chemistry lab in your formative days if you took science class!

This helps to clear pores and also exfoliate and can work really well at helping you to treat those pesky ingrown hairs.

Exfoliate Daily

Exfoliation is not just for girls! It is a good idea for men to do this too and can ensure that it is a lot less likely that your hairs will grow inwards. If you are a man with a beard ensure that you use a face brush on the beard, this will help to manage it against ingrown hairs.

Another common cause of ingrown hairs is to shave too tightly or too close to the skin and put too much pressure on. Therefore whilst you want a smooth shave leave a little leeway to avoid the problem.

Multi blade razors can increase the problem, so use a single blade razor.

If you have ingrown hairs at the present time, then you can try to use tweezers to very carefully lift the end out. Note that it is not a good idea to pluck the entire hair.
Ingrown Hairs
Author: Stephanie

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Page Views: 1898 | Page Ranking: 44
Popular Tags:
ingrown hairs, treating ingrown hairs

Last Updated: Sep 22nd 2006

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