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Word puzzles are varied and interesting...

There are a whole host of word puzzles around; here is just a selection:

- Codewords

In this puzzle, you substitute the coded numbers 1 - 26 with the letters from A - Z. This is a good test of vocabularly and logic

- Crosswords

This needs no introduction, the classic puzzle with clues where you work out the answers and place the words in a grid as a result.

- Wordwheel

This is a fun puzzle that is all about anagrams. With a wheel with letters in, usually 8 or 9, and a central letter, you must make as many words as you can using each letter once only and including the central letter every time.

- Word Ladder

An enjoyable puzzle that can be quite tricky to solve! You are asked to move from one rung of the ladder to another purely through changing one letter at a time. So you may have a start word like READ and end word like BOAR and move to it like this, for example:
HEAD, HEAR, REAR, ROAR, BOAR, using the set number of steps

- A to Z puzzle

This is a complete crossword except the letters A - Z are each missing once. You must work out which letter goes where.

- Word Link puzzle

This is where you have two words and need to find the word that can go between them to form two new words.

Word puzzles are excellent educational tools for children and of course generally great fun for adults too, and help to keep the mind active and ticking over. For a variety of word puzzles and more, check out the buy puzzles section.
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Author: Dan

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Page Views: 1681 | Page Ranking: 106
Popular Tags:
word puzzles,codewords,A to Z puzzles,word ladders

Last Updated: Sep 6th 2006

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