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AdSense Statistics

One of the many great things about Google AdSense is that there are an abundance of statistics available to you that show you how the adverts on your site are performing.

However, when you first log on you might be slightly confused and unsure how to intepret the figures, what they mean, and how best to use the copious data that is provided to you.

The key data that is available is as follows:

So now you know what the figures mean, you can use them to track performance over time. Use the Page impressions figure to benchmark overall traffic to your site (up or down). Use the page CTR measure to benchmark how relevant your visitors are finding the adverts to them, and see if different placement and sizes of adverts on the page affects this figure.

The page eCPM is useful for understanding overall the revenue for every 1,000 page impressions. Finally - the earnings - well these determine the size of the cheque you'll receive at your preferred payment interval, or upon reaching your payment threshold!