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How To Brush Your Teeth Well
People tend to fall into two categories - either they overbrush or underbrush. Aim to brush for about two minutes for the perfect brushing length and whilst...

How To Care For Sensitive Teeth
Sensitive teeth can be, well, very sensitive - therefore you need to take extra care when you have sensitive teeth not to start off that painful throbbing...

How To Check For Carbon Monoxide
Everyone should check their home for levels of carbon monoxide and ensuring that they are safe. This is a colourless and odourless gas, thatn can kill you...

How To Check For Radon
It is important that every householder checks their house for radon at some stage. Radon is a colourless and odourless gas - and therefore since we can't...

How To Ensure Your House Doesn't Make You Ill
Whilst it may sound a strange title, many people keep their houses in such a poor state of repair that it can have an adverse impact on health. Poor...

How To Floss Your Teeth
Flossing teeth is an important part of your healthcare regime as they help remove any gunk that builds up between teeth and therefore helps prevent decay, and...

How To Have A Healthy Tongue And Stop Bad Breath
When brushing teeth and gums, most people do nothing about the tongue and forget about it. However there can be a build up of residue on the tongue too and...

How To Improve Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene is all about doing simple things and doing them often. For instance, make sure that you always wash your hands after going to the toilet -...

How To Improve Quality Of Air Indoors
To improve the quality of your air indoors logically requires that you take steps to stop any sources of pollution that are occurring. For instance, if...

How To Keep Palms Dry
Some people suffer badly from sweaty palms. If this applies to you then what can you do about it? The simplest tip is to ensure that you keep your hands...

How To Keep The Home Healthy
One thing that not many people think about is the quality of air in the house. However, if you get too little ventilation into your home , then pollutants...

How To Live Healthy Without Perfumes
How to get by without using perfume...

How To Pick A Toothbrush
Choosing a toothbrush can be surprisingly hard with so many different types on offer. Try to pick one that you know will work best for you, for instance a...

How To Protect Teeth Longer
After brushing teeth, the majority of people wash out their mouth with water. However, it has been suggested recently that it is a better idea to actually...

How To Remove All Plaque Whilst Brushing Teeth
Once you have brushed your teeth, it is quite likely there are some areas where there is still plaque on your teeth or there are areas that you have...

How To Stay Healthy Whilst Cooking
Whilst you are cooking in a warm and hot kitchen, you could be exposing yourself to many nasty pollutants. To try to reduce the impact of any of these, you...

How To Stop Bad Breath
Bad breath is unpleasant for those around you, and if you aren't told directly about it then you may notice people backing away when it comes to you...

How To Stop Body Odour Problems
Many people get bad body odour and this is unpleasant for them and those around them. The single biggest thing you can do is to have a really good deodorant...

How To Stop Mildew In The Home
If you want to stop so called biological problems in the home - the growth of mildew and molds and so on, then you need to ensure that the humidity level in...

How To Stop The Spread Of Germs
If everyone had good personal hygiene there would be much less germs in the world and the spread would be less too! If you've ever stood on a crowded tube...

TECHNIQUES 4 Passing An Examination
Simple tips on passing your exams...

Tips On Keeping Teeth Healthy
Cleaning your teeth with a toothbrush and paste is something that should ideally be done a couple of times a day in order to protect your teeth and gums from...

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