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3f - Tips On Making Revision Notes 2

Education : How To Excel In Exams

You may like to use different colours or abbreviate certain words when taking notes, as long as you will know what you mean later on; perhaps take the vowels out of certain words, or abbreviate common long words

Do not think you can take notes for hours on end without breaks. The longer you note take for, the more you will just copy and the less you will take in. Short, sharp bursts are the best

REVIEW your notes after you have taken them. When you finish your revision session, do not just pack up and go away.

Spend five or ten minutes to go through your notes and read them to yourself - out loud if you like - and concentrate hard to try and commit to memory.

This can really turn a revision session into a great success, as you are confirming what you have just gone over and your concentration will be pretty much at its best at the end of a revision session

By: Examexpert

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