7: What To Do If You Have Not Heard Back
Jobs : The Post Interview Process Before looking at what to do when you pass the interview, just a brief word about what to do if you have waited until the time that the decision is supposed to be made but have heard nothing back from the company. What should you do? You should probably wait another day or two, as a grace period, and if they still haven't got back to you, you should telephone them, and explain the situation - who you are, who you had an interview with, and what you were told with regard to the result. Usually you will find that there is some sort of delay and they will let you know shortly - perhaps the interviewer has been off sick. Other times there will have been a mix up or oversight on their part and they have your result but somehow have not communicated it to you. If you are really struggling to be given a verdict about your performance after ringing several times wanting to know what has happened, then you can take it as a sign that this company is either having great problems, or is just incompetent or has little care about the impression it makes, and it may well be one that you don't want to work after all after such a saga!
Questions about interview success: