Tips On How To Be Acne Free
Beauty : Skincare For some people this will work try drinking 1-2 cans of diet coke a day (through a straw) it contains a source of phenylalanine which i find gets rid of spots to help along this process drink 1-3 litres of water everyday. Try to avoid dairy products such as cheese & chocolate they dont create spots but they do make them worse. DO NOT touch a spot the more you touch it the more bacteria your putting on it. (SLEEP) have 2-3 early nights a week. When doing any sport activity try to shower straight after. And make sure you put your bed sheets in the wash at least every 2 weeks. Try not to spend to much time on computers or watching tv 2hrs a day is plenty.wash your face with cold water in the morning then at night wash with hot water and then cold water to close your pores, i also use a cream called planet spa-japanese sake & rice treatment which you can buy from boots or avon i use this just before i go to bed. spa&pagenum=2 Please note: spots may get worse before they get better I hope this helps
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