How To Acquire New Skills Quickly
Career : Career Development Sometimes you need to get new skills, or a particular skill, quickly. This might be because of a new job you want to go for, or simply because you are made redundant and want to re-train and do something else. One of the best ways to get a new skill quickly is to throw yourself in at the deep end. This is often used by those learning a new language for example, through a total immersion course. If you go to the country and have to physically speak the language to live, then the incentive to work it out is rather more important than listening to a cassette tape on the way to work telling you how to get to the airport in your language of choice! Similarly with other skills - total immersion and actively doing something that forces you to display or develop a particular skill can be the best way to learn. Therefore as scary as it might be, throw yourself whole-heartedly into developing in your desired direction, and success is much more likely to come along.
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