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Adding Cinnamon To Your Diet Is A Good Idea

Health And Fitness : Top Diet Foods

There are hundreds of so called wonder foods.

We all know that when you read magazine articles one week they will tell you that something is brilliant, a superfood, and that we should all be eating loads of it.

The trouble is that foods which are great for us in some ways turn out to be bad for us in others, and for most food items at some time there have been articles saying research has shown that it will save your life, whilst others say that in no uncertain terms it is pretty much going to kill you.

But one item that generally is written about positively is cinnamon and the apparent link to helping to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes when it is introduced into your diet.

This is because cinnamon can help to ensure that blood sugar is kept at a balanced level and therefore keeps sweet cravings at bay in the process, good for those who are looking to stay fit or perhaps to lose some weight.

It also has the advantage unlike some foods of tasting very nice, and is delicious with a little added to your pears or fruit or perhaps your yoghurt.

By: Stacy

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