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Allergy Pests

Health And Fitness : Top Health Tips

Doc says :

What a nuisance. An allergy is an in -appropriate response by the body’s immune system, and a highly complex defense mechanism that helps us to fight infections.

It does this by identifying foreign invaders and mobilizing the body’s white blood cells to fight infections. In some people the immune system wrongly identifies a non toxic substance as an invader, and the white blood cells overreact, creating more damage to the body than the invader. Thus, the allergic response becomes a disease in itself.

The typical allergic responses are nasal congestion., congestion, coughing, wheezing, itching, shortness of breath, headache, fatigue, hives and other skin rashes.

Almost any substance can cause an allergic reaction in someone, somewhere in the world.

The most common allergens are pollen, dust mites, certain metals, some cosmetics, animal hair, insect venom , drugs, some foods, animal dander, chemicals found in soaps, washing powders, cleaning supplies, and numerous other chemicals.

Allergies can be caused by a number of things.

Here are some Solutions for help:

Eucalyptus or thyme leaves
Can be used to ease congestion.Soak an ounce of either one in a cup of boiling water and inhale the steam.

Eyebright Tea
Has been noted to reduce hay fever symptoms. Such as watery eyes, and runny noses in children.

If your allergic to ragweed, do not eat cantaloupe, bananas, cucumbers, and sunflower seeds. These only add to the symptoms..

Use a dehumidifier in the basement. Keep rooms free from dust, keep windows shut, and use an air conditioner whenever possible.

Purchase an air filter with fine enough filtering capacity, such as HEPA filter, to clean pollen, molds, and dust from home and office. Standard air filters sold in most stores do not filter pollen. Make sure any filter purchased, states on the label, that it is suitable for filtering pollen and mold spores.

For air – borne particles that cause allergies, try using a stand – alone air – borne air- purification device. There are many brands available. The electrostatic type being the lowest maintenance, and the replaceable filter type being the highest.

Depending on the severity of your allergies, it is best to wear long pants, and long sleeve shirts when spending time outside. Change your clothes and shower as soon as you get inside.

A mask may even be advisable. Pollen counts in late summer are highest between 5:00 a. M. and !0:00 A. M. So schedule gardening accordingly.

Chronic allergy suffers avoid exercising outdoors.

Best time for pollen suffers to be outside, is after a rainstorm. Pollen levels drop significantly.

Do not smoke, and avoid second hand smoke.

Stay out of wind. More pollen is blown through the air, on those windy days.

If allergies are severe don’t go out.

Some plants will help remove pollutants from indoor air. For example areca palm, bamboo palm, Boston fern, English ivy, lady palm, peace lily, rubber plant.

Research is being conducted, on a product to counter histamine for asthma, and allergy suffers..

By: Bev

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