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How To Apply Eyeliner

Beauty : Cosmetics

Clean skin to get rid of dirt and old make up from your eyelids. Then do your usual daily routine excluding eye make up.

If using a pencil, sharpen it and get rid of any excess clumps on the stick. You can also use a crayon or liquid eyeliner. I suggest crayon for beginners as this is easier to reply as its much softer and you dont need to press down as much as with a pencil. Liquid eyeliner can look the best but its more dramatic and can be messy if you do it wrong.

I find it easier to start at the outside corner and work inwards, but do whatever works best for you. You will need to pull your cheek down slightly so your skin below your eye is taught. Make sure your hand is steady as you need to concentrate so you dont catch your eye with the eyeliner.

Focus on the section of eye you are working on and take your time. You can reapply over the line you have drawn after, if you wish for a darker effect. When you are done, stand back away from the mirror and check for any errors.

By: Danielle

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