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How To Approach A Publisher

Hobbies : Writing

Approaching a publisher and trying to get your work published can be at once the most exciting and nerve wrecking time for any aspiring author.

It can be the pivotal point where years of work turn into something that pays you money as you get published, or it can result in heartache and sadness and rejection when no one is interested. You still have the pride of having created a book, but the bottom line is that no one has purchased from you.

Remember that publishers can get literally hundreds of manuscripts a day, particularly the big houses.

Therefore you need to ensure you give yourself the best chance when submitting to a publisher. Here's some simple advice for you:

- include a brief covering letter, no more than a few paragraphs, that very simply sets the scene as to who you are, the genre of the book, the target audience.

Ensure that the manuscript is typed in an easy to read font like arial perhaps. Also ensure that it is as error free as you can get it. Consider getting it proof read before submitting.

Finally your synopsis may be what makes or breaks the book rather than the manuscript itself, therefore may particular attention to writing this accurately and clearly in 200 words or less, make it tantalising so that the reviewer actively wants to read the book to find out what happens!

By: Stephen

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