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How To Avoid Sun Damage On Holiday

Travel : Travel Tips

With some simple, practical steps, you can avoid the perils of sun damage to your skin whilst on holiday.

The key tip is to avoid the midday sun; that is the sun whilst at its peak of strength. During the day between 11 - 3 therefore, always try and stay in the shade - whether you are after a tan or not.

After 3, or before 11, if you go in the sun, ensure that you cover up. That means noe just sunscreen on a naked body, but rather use a T-shirt, a hat, and sunglasses to reduce glare.

Use a high factor sunscreen - at least 15 - and also remember that one application is not enough; rather you need to re-apply every half an hour maximum.

In this way, you can have a great holiday, enjoy the sun, without the risk of skin damage.

By: Stephen

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