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How To Be A Leader

Career : Career Development

To be a leader you must:

"get someone to do something you want done because they want to do it"

But how to go about this?

1 - make others feel good about themselves. Motivate and encourage frequently

2 - share your vision with your workers and make it exciting and appealing, and something they want to work towards

3 - make all the work you ask to be done as meaningful as possible. This will get best results

4 - make sure your workers understand why their job is important. This gets the best out of them

5 - be positive and upbeat all the time, enthusiasm is infectious

6 - look for solutions rather than focussing on problems

7 - treat all members of the team equally and not as sub-ordinates

8 - understand different people are motivated by different things. There are different personality types.

By: Steve on Sun, Dec 1st 2002

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