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How To Beat Depression

Self Development : Happiness

Depression is a surefire barrier to happiness. Therefore you need to try to overcome depression if you want to be happy. That bit is uncontroversial!

The first is to exercise regularly and to take care of your health. This can boost feel good factor and self worth.

The next is to try to keep busy - that way you just won't have the time to feel bad.

The next thing is to keep things simple - try to eliminate the thousand and one worries from your life. Try to focus on those things that really matter to you - make a list of the top five things in your life and promise to yourself that you won't worry about anything else

Next, ensure that you only worry about things in your domain of control. Too many people worry about things they can't, like the weather. Be fair to yourself and just think about the things you can influence - friends, family, your work and relationships.

That way you start to re-gain control of your life, add focus and healthiness, and depression should be given the boot!

By: Stephanie

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