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Business And Qualifying Questions

Business : Business Questions

Much business material talks about qualifying a prospect. They tell us that you should qualify a prospect. Well that's great - but what does that mean and what questions need to be asked to do that?

Well, in general a good way is to think 'how can I go deeper with this and get more information?' The answer to that is the sort of question that you need to ask to qualify a product.

Therefore you can ask simple questions like 'please tell me a little more about...'

Or... 'this is what I understand so far. Can you tell me in a little more detail to help my understanding'

And if you have any questions then certainly do ask 'what do you mean by that exactly' to understand their needs more.'

All these sorts of questions are great for qualifying and understanding more and getting more business, ultimately, from your leads.

By: Job Expert

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