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How To Care For Oily Skin

Beauty : Skincare

If you suffer from oily skin it can be even worse in the summer as heat and humidity will increase oil production. The best way to keep the problem to a minimum is to wash your face with a perfume free cleanser morning and night, so that your skin is clean, but there is no need to scrub it too hard as this actually produces more oil. Choose oil free cosmetics and an oil free moisturiser, especially if they contain alpha-hydroxy acids as these remove dead cells in you skin and improve the appearance of it.

Treatment for oily skin

Giving your skin a treatment can also be good a couple of times a week, and for this you don't need to have expensive equipment. All you need is to place your face over a bowl of hot water with a towel over your head for a few minutes. You can add chamomile or lavender oil to the water too.

Vitamins and clear skin

Certain vitamins can help to give you good skin so supplement your diet with a multivitamin as vitamins A, C, E and zinc are all helpful. Don't allow yourself too much sun exposure as the heat will cause more oil to be produced. Keep your skin hydrated by drinking enough water everyday, the recommended amount is 8 glasses or 1.5 litres.

By: Bev Woolfson on Wed, Apr 24th 2002

More oily skin advice

Avoid Vitamin E, especially in a humid environment - it stimulates oil glands. See also: section on "How to get beautiful skin..."

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